Youth Moving, a movement meditation!

On Tuesday March 18 Central Toronto Community Health Center will be running its first Youth Moving, a movement meditation program for youth, age 16-29.

Youth Movement March 18th, 2014
Movement meditation is a great way for individuals to explore themselves and their emotions, tap into group connectedness, and promote a sense of well-being.

Youth Moving will be a 2 hour free form dance group, accompanied by a DJ where participants are asked not to speak so that they may come out of their thinking mind and become present with their bodies. Supports will be available if someone is having a hard time navigating the space, finding their dancing way, or are emotionally in need of it. This group is a safe and inclusive space for all. Our facilities are fully accessible. There will be snacks available before, during and after the dance to keep our motors going.

Doors open by 2:30, dance by 3, please come by 2:30 if you have any special needs to be addressed prior to the group.

CTCHC’s address is 168 Bathurst St, between Queen and Richmond. The Health Center’s number is (416) 703-8480.

For more information or to pre-register and ensure entrance, contact

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