The TRIP! Project is looking for submissions from youth ages 16-24 on tobacco and harm reduction for our new community zine. Tobacco is a commonly used substance in our community, with 86% of youth having tried it. Smoking is a party drug as much as alcohol, MDMA and Ketamine! Some people are social smokers on the weekend, where others smoke up to a pack a day or more. Sometimes smoking starts off as recreational and turns into a habit. Often youth end up smoking tobacco without even thinking about the chemicals they’re inhaling! Poppers are becoming an emerging trend, and contraband tobacco means that getting smokes is as easy as walking through the club district.
We welcome submissions on these topics and more! Submissions for the zine can come in a variety of formats, from photographs to art to poems and articles. All autours of published articles receive a $20 honorarium for their submissions. Please keep each submission between 500-750 words for articles.
Submissions can be emailed to or dropped off at Queen West Community Health Centre 168 Bathurst street between 9am-4pm Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, and between 1:30pm-4pm on Tuesdays. If these hours don’t work for you, you can always email us or give us a call at (416) 703-8482 ext. 125!
Please hand in your submissions by October 25th 2010.
Article Ideas:
- Social Smoking
- E-cigarettes
- Anti-oppression + Smoking: Biases towards smokers!
- Aboriginal Tobacco / Sacred Tobacco
- Substitution Herbs
- Drugs + Tobacco
- Smoking + Advertising / Media Influences
- Secondhand Smoke
- Quitting Smoking: Tips & Tricks
- Personal Smoking Stories
- Different Types of Cigarettes: light vs. regular
<Insert your topic here!>