Hot off the presses! The TRIP! Project has just released two new pieces of harm reduction literature for the partyers of Toronto.
‘Safer K-Holes’ describes what a k-hole is and what to do in case of an emergency. It also contains tips on how to stay as safe as possible while k-holing and general tips on safer ketamine use.
‘Responsible Drug Use’ is an important addition to TRIP’s library. It flows through a series of thought-provoking questions that every drug user should periodically ask themselves. It asks us to check ourselves to see if trouble is brewing and if our life goals are coinciding with the nature of our drug use. After all, we should be in control of our drug use rather than our drug use controlling us.
Look for both these flyers at a TRIP! booth near you or stop by our offices in the Queen West Community Health Centre at 168 Bathurst St. between Noon-5pm Tue/Wed/Fri to get some copies.
Gordman says:
It would be ideal for us to be in control of our drug use but we all know how rare this actually happens. In most cases it’s the other way around and that’s where all of our problems start. I’ve learned my lesson the hard way and I am lucky to have a supportive family, they fought to get me back and they put me in a suboxone treatment center and I had a full recovery. I am a whole different person now and I am an anti-drug activist.